Bad credit can get in the way of securing a car loan or credit card, but there are steps you can take to get a better credit score. Victory Mitsubishi, your Bronx car dealership, is here to help you get one step closer to improving your credit score for the financial freedom you desire. Learn more about how to boost your credit score with the help of the Victory Mitsubishi finance department! Whether you need help financing or leasing with bad credit, we’re here for you.
If you want to find ways to raise your credit score so you can take out a car loan with your local Mount Vernon dealership you should first check your credit score through a reputable credit bureau such as Transunion or Equifax. Assess how you used credit in the past and create a plan to pay off your debts incrementally.
Keep your credit card spending at 30% or below the card’s credit limit. Using your credit card to pay off one recurring bill is a good way to make sure you have the money set aside to pay off the card on time. Slowly paying off any current bills or debts is a great way to raise your credit score over time without making you stretch your wallet too thin.
Limit the number of credit card and loan applications you fill out. You won’t look reliable to a finance officer if you have too many outstanding balances at other credit institutions. While a new credit card or loan is technically a way to help to increase your credit score, doing this at a higher rate in a short time frame will make you look less reliable.
No credit score? You can get a better credit score with no credit history in a number of ways. The most common is by opening a secured credit card. Another option is to add yourself to a friend or family member’s credit card account who has a good credit history which will show finance officers your ability to pay off a loan.
Now that you know multiple ways to raise your credit score, it’s time to upgrade your New Rochelle commute with a new Mitsubishi! Victory Mitsubishi offers competitive financing options for customers of varying credit scores. Check out our financing options to figure out the car loan that’s right for you. You can contact us to speak with one of our knowledgeable finance advisors about financing or leasing.
When you’re ready to drive home to Westchester in a new Mitsubishi, you can fill out a finance application from the comfort of your home. Our team is happy to work with you whether you need more advice on how to boost your credit score, how to get a good interest on a car loan, how to calculate interest on a loan, or simply have questions about our new vehicle inventory!